We all hold diverse perspectives and insights into how Ponsonby is and how it could be.
We know more about how our cities work than ever before. We also have access to a range of data that tells us how we currently live, work, play and move around Ponsonby.
The Ponsonby Business Association’s role is to represent the collective voice of our businesses and our community to ensure we harness & develop these aspirations for Ponsonby’s future growth, wellbeing, and success, ensuring we move forward together.
To work towards this, the PBA embarked on the development of a Future Ponsonby Strategy and engaged urban designers and engagement specialists from Boffa Miskell Limited to develop this as the key guiding document for the future.

Boffa Miskell are leading experts in urban design and regeneration and work regularly with communities, businesses, landowners and stakeholders to develop place-based visions & frameworks to help shape the evolution of urban neighbourhoods, streets and spaces.
Working closely with the PBA working group, the team from Boffa Miskell will collect and analyse data from several perspectives to develop our understanding to inform a professional ‘people and place’ focused Future Ponsonby Strategy that outlines, at a high level, a direction for Ponsonby.
The Future Ponsonby Strategy will be presented to the membership at the AGM in October 2024.
In addition to undertaking a community survey, the first phase of the project is underway as we build baseline evidence through data collection and analysis to provide insights from these 3 areas:

The key drivers of change

Current and projected people data
(users and demographics)

Urban development, movement, public life, plans & projects, and local & global benchmarking
This data-driven approach is to ensure the strategy is evidence-based.
To help build the baseline and guide the strategy development, this phase is collating data and undertaking analysis around 6 key areas or “pillars”.

The 6 key areas:
1. People
Demographics & insights on residents, workers and visitors including population density of residential neighbourhoods, number and distribution of jobs, travel to work and study data, visitation and spend.
2. Plans
Building a picture of what is already planned, proposed or identified in various projects, programmes, plans and strategy documents by Auckland Council, Auckland Transport, Waitemata Local Board that influence Ponsonby and it’s future.
3. Urban Development
Building up the picture of recently developed, approved and proposed developments within Ponsonby and immediately adjoining areas, as well as broader future context of development change that can be anticipated.
4. Movement
A data-driven approach to understanding movement on Ponsonby Road, capturing the understanding of recent street change, and the way transport change in neighbouring parts of the city will have an influence on the future of Ponsonby.
5. Public Life
Understanding how people spend time on & around Ponsonby Road, and how the street and public spaces support people to create vibrancy.
6. Benchmarking
Local and global comparisons and precedent studies from relevant urban neighbourhoods and business districts in Auckland, Australia and beyond, to inform strategic direction for the future of Ponsonby.
Gaining people-centric perspectives.
An online survey was conducted to gather peoplecentric perspectives.
We collected a diverse range of views to gain a deep and broad understanding of people’s lived experiences in Ponsonby, as well as their hopes and aspirations for its future.

August 28 & 29
PBA Member Session
A follow-up report to PBA members on key insights and directions to inform strategy development.
Zoom Session
Wednesday August 28th 5.30pm – 6.30pm
In Person Drop-In Session
Thursday August 29th 8am – 9.30am
Barkers Foodstore & Eatery
8 Brown Street, Ponsonby Central.
August 28 & 29
PBA Member Session
A follow-up report to PBA members on key insights and directions to inform strategy development.
Zoom Session
Wednesday August 28th 5.30pm – 6.30pm
In Person Drop-In Session
Thursday August 29th 8am – 9.30am
Barkers Foodstore & Eatery
8 Brown Street, Ponsonby Central.
Following these initial two phases of data collection and online survey, key themes from the baseline and engagement activity will inform a series of visioning workshops and development of a Future Ponsonby strategy document.

This will include a drop in session with PBA members, to provide a subsequent report back on key insights and direction to inform the strategy development.
The result will be a Future Ponsonby strategy that will articulate a place-based vision for the future of Ponsonby.
It will focus on change over the next five years but with a time horizon that looks to the next 10 years and beyond. It will be insight based and highlight key themes that hold true over time.
This strategy will effectively guide PBA’s own activities and inform its positioning on a wide range of issues that will influence the future of Ponsonby and drive our advocacy position at Auckland Council and Auckland Transport.

I love you Ponsonby because…
you’re accessible, parkable & walkable!

I love you Ponsonby but…
we want you to stay away from being too ‘mainstream’. We want you to be unique without losing your charm.